
My Beloved Confused

My child, I know this has been hard for you
You've had to come so far too soon
But don't do anything so severe
That you tear apart what you hold so dear

Think of what your actions say
You're too young to find your own way
We'll always have your back whatever you do
Just be sure of the actions you do

What kind of message do you want to say?
What kind of statement does this make?
Are you turning your back on those you love?
Are you creating an opportunity to show your love?

I pray, my dear child, you make the right call
But don't cause this house of cards to fall
Don't send the wrong kind of message
We want you to be happy, but not selfish

Think about it before you go through
And be sure this is what you want to do
Always know that we all love you
Our precious child with eyes of blue

I know you miss how things were before
But those days of togetherness are no more
You need to make the best of every day
And learn to enjoy this new way

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